Saturday, 4 May 2013

12 Axonometric Drawings

Dorte Mandrup Poulsen


Sculptural (Angular): Inspired by her cubic work, this drawing was how cubs can form spaces inside itself. The drawing is one large cube with 4 other boxes taking away space.

Variations of Space: Inspired by her different works (Especially the children), there can be different shapes and sizes. This drawing indicates that each block is different in a certain way, but join together to make one.

Karen Clemmensen

Intimate: Her buildings seem

One with Landscape: A lot of her work seemed to be inbuild or placed within an environment, blending elements surrounding with the building. The sharp wall seen on the second drawing highlights that this object looks like its being taken from a wall of a rockside.

Subtle: This work was inspired by her swimming pool building. The change in direction must be adapted to the likeness of water flow. The two cut blocks show how the object is still there but has molded to the subject.

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